The production of war toys, flowers every day. The toys are popular with children and their parents more than willing to strike a child, when defending their position to buy weapons from persons other than war toys and video games.
It is reasonable that this fact has given rise to disputes between the major child psychologist who care about the future of their children. There are some cases have led to intense fears of parents when children played with the toys of warand the results of these pieces were pretty sad.
If we assume an infant or a child with a toy, the child will automatically ensure that the toy is approved for adults. And if you buy him a water gun, pistol, or only one child, it means that we are all his games on "Bang Bang" to agree tactics.
Of course, children can play, "Bang bang" gun games, and if you do not have toys appropriate. They may use their weapon, or use a "fingerprint." But not us, parents and those whopresent a child with toy guns and weapons, support the further development of violence in children?
But by the proponents of video games on the situation of war games as a concept to help children develop problem solving skills, hands movement and coordination, the curiosity and excitement. These games are really looking for educational toys, if the parents learn how to start properly.
But what might be called educational toys, if you say the collection of statistics and figures that show the war, Video games do not promote creativity in the development of our children.
Children who spend their time before computer games, not like reading and prefer to spend leisure time in his room, instead of playing to socialize with other children.
Children are different, of course. It is easy to machine-dependent, while others can not. Parents should play particular attention to all the games of their children. The particular interest is directed to all> Toys your child is presented with. Rather than buying another video game, you think it is available from children's toys and education series Baby Einstein on the market.